post_content; // Get the domain names $ssldomain = get_option( 'sc_ssl_fix_links_ssldomain' ); $normaldomain = get_option( 'sc_ssl_fix_links_normaldomain' ); $replaced = str_replace( $ssldomain, $normaldomain, $post_content); if ($replaced != $post_content) { // Set a transient to show the users an admin message set_transient( "sc_ssl_fixed_links", "yes" ); // No infinite loops, please remove_action( 'save_post', array( 'sc_ssl', 'fix_links') ); // Replace the post's content wp_update_post( array('ID' => $post_id, 'post_content' => $replaced) ); // Add the action again add_action( 'save_post', array( 'sc_ssl', 'fix_links') ); } } function fix_links_info () { // Show the admin message if ( get_transient( 'sc_ssl_fixed_links' ) == 'yes' ) { echo '

Shared SSL: Replaced one or more links to your shared SSL domain.

'; delete_transient( 'sc_ssl_fixed_links' ); } } //Options menu function fix_menu() { add_options_page( 'Shared SSL Options', 'Shared SSL Options', 'manage_options', 'sc_ssl_fix', 'sc_ssl_fix_options' ); } } function sc_ssl_fix_options() { echo "

Shared SSL Options

"; if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { wp_die( __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.') ); } $hidden_field_name = 'sc_ssl_fix_submit_hidden'; $ssldomain_field_name = 'sc_ssl_fix_links_ssldomain'; $normaldomain_field_name = 'sc_ssl_fix_links_normal'; $wpconfig_field_name = 'sc_ssl_siteurl'; // Get the domain names $ssldomain = get_option( 'sc_ssl_fix_links_ssldomain' ); $normaldomain = get_option( 'sc_ssl_fix_links_normaldomain' ); $wpconfig_value = sc_ssl_domainfix( $ssldomain, $normaldomain ); // Read existing option value from database $opt_ssldomain_val = get_option( 'sc_ssl_fix_links_ssldomain' ); $opt_normaldomain_val = get_option( 'sc_ssl_fix_links_normaldomain' ); // Posted new options? if ( isset( $_POST[ $hidden_field_name ]) && $_POST[ $hidden_field_name ] == 'Y' ) { if ( $opt_ssldomain_val != $_POST[ $ssldomain_field_name ] || $opt_normaldomain_val != $_POST[ $normaldomain_field_name ] ) { $wpconfig_value = sc_ssl_domainfix( $_POST[ $ssldomain_field_name ], $_POST[ $normaldomain_field_name ] ); ?>

The secure url, usually something like "".

The normal, non-SSL url to your website, usually something like "".