Limit Spotify Ad Volume

If you’re anything like me, you hate being interrupted by ads featuring Christina Grimmie screaming “LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO” into your ears when listening to calm, classical music on Spotify. Here’s a simple way to make it slightly less annoying. Calm is a very simple app I made to fix this little annoyance. It will listen for Spotify’s metadata broadcasts, and lower the volume slightly during advertisements. It doesn’t mute or skip ads, it only requests a duckable, transistent audio focus until Spotify is finished playing the ad....

May 5, 2015

Prefill the comment form in WordPress

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who hate filling out name, email and homepage every time I leave a comment. Many sites ‘solve’ this by pulling in Disqus, but they don’t allow custom CSS. And I think it’s a bit of an overkill; after all, we’re just going to store three fields of information. So, I came up with an alternative solution: Instead of storing the data on the server, why not do it right in the browser?...

December 28, 2014

Easter egg time!

In the changelog for Heads-up 1.9.2, I mentioned a little surprise for you. Many of you found it, some of you thought you found it, and some didn’t find it. And all of you must have been sharing this app like crazy, because we’ve got a few thousand (!) new users now! If you haven’t found the egg yet, there’s a little hint in the screenshot on the Heads-up post....

December 23, 2014

Heads-up notifications

With this app, any device can get the new heads-up notifications introduced in the new Android 5.0 “Lollipop”. I already had most of the code I needed to fetch and display the notifications in another project I’m working on, so I got the app ready for launch in no time. During the first week, the app was downloaded over 5 000 times, and now it’s racing past 100 000 active users....

June 26, 2014

Shared SSL in WordPress

Using WordPress on a webhost with Shared SSL? As you’ve probably noticed, it’s not exactly a smooth experience. Here’s the solution. The problem in a nutshell When logging in to your WordPress admin panel, you’ll want to do that over HTTPS. If you’re anything like me, you didn’t pay the extra cost of getting your own IP and SSL Certificate. Instead, you just use the secure URL the web host sent you when you signed up....

June 16, 2014


Android phones have a great TTS (Text-To-Speech) system built-in. Until Google launched their high-quality voices earlier this year, I didn’t really see the point of using it. But after trying the new voices, I realized how much potential talking apps have. ReadToMe is actually just a testing app I made to become familiar with the Text-To-Speech API. It doesn’t have any options or anything. Just launch it, and it starts reading up whatever it finds on the device’s clipboard....

June 2, 2014


Looking for an easy-to-use flashlight app? Light is just that. Unlike most other flashlight apps, it’s ad-free and just lights your way. Also, it comes without all sorts of features you never use. Light is possibly the best combo of: Features you need (camera flash & white screen) Small size (~40kb) Focus (no ads, no links, no nothing) Design (material) Privacy (no weird permissions) Short put, it just lights your way....

May 27, 2014